Hoya meliflua ssp. Fraterna


Hoya meliflua fraternal is a variant of H. meliflua with large leaves. The leaves are dark and glossy, reaching a length of up to 18 inches when fully grown. This plant is a vining epiphyte that is native to the Philippines. It produces fuzzy star-shaped flowers that are soft yellow with hints of orange and red at the centers.

Here are the care instructions for Hoya meliflua:

- Provide bright, indirect light for the unique and hard to find houseplant. 
- Maintain a temperature range of 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Hoya meliflua has a trailing or twining growth habit.
- Water the plant only when the soil surface feels dry to the touch.
- Hoya meliflua belongs to the Apocynaceae family.

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