Manjula Pothos


The Manjula Pothos, also known as Epipremnum aureum “Manjula”, is a unique, easy care, and hard to find houseplant. Its striking variegation and low-maintenance requirements make it a popular choice among plant lovers. With the right care, this rare tropical plant can be a long-lasting addition to your indoor jungle oasis. This variegated botanical gem is renowned for its easy care requirements, making it an ideal pick for both seasoned plant owners and beginners. This guide will help you understand how to best take care of your Manjula Pothos, ensuring that it thrives in your indoor environment.

Lighting Conditions:

The Manjula Pothos is a stunning highly variegated trendy houseplant. This rare tropical plant prefers bright, indirect light to maintain its vibrant variegation. However, it also adapts well to low light conditions, making it a versatile houseplant for various locations in your home.

Watering Needs:

Like many tropical plants, the Manjula Pothos prefers a good balance of moisture. It does not appreciate waterlogged soil, so ensure your plant's pot has good drainage. Wait until the top inch of soil is dry before watering your plant again. Overwatering can lead to root rot, a common issue with many houseplants.

Temperature and Humidity:

This hard to find houseplant thrives in a typical indoor temperature range of 65-85°F (18-29°C). It's not frost-tolerant, so move it away from drafty windows during winter. As a tropical plant, the Manjula Pothos enjoys higher humidity but will tolerate the drier conditions found in most homes.

Soil and Fertilizer:

A well-draining, lIght and airy potting mix is ideal for the Manjula Pothos. For a richer growth, fertilize your plant once a month during the growing season (spring to early fall) with a balanced houseplant fertilizer.


Repot your Manjula Pothos every 2-3 years or when it becomes root-bound. Use a pot that's one size larger than the previous one to give the roots space to grow.

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