Monstera ‘Thai Constellation’


Looking for a  stellar new addition to your collection? If so, then the Monstera Thai constellation is just what you need! With its unique foliage, heart shaped leaves, and easy care requirements it has become one of the most popular house plants among the plant parenthood community.

Lighting – bright, indirect light. If your space has limited access to adequate light we recommend using a grow light to help them thrive indoors. Just make sure to follow individual product guidelines in recommended distance between bulb and plant to avoid burning the leaves.

Watering – allow soil to partially dry out in between waterings. When it is almost completely dry, then you know that it is time to give your Thai constellation a solid watering again. You will know pretty quickly if there are issues with the watering schedule as the leaves will either turn brown/yellow (under watering/overwatering) or they will begin to curl on the edges. 

Humidity — high humidity is required. So a humidifier is recommended. Otherwise, using a pebble tray beneath the pot is also a good alternative.

Mediums–  chunky, well aerated quick draining soil is the best. Try our Thicc + Chonky Premium Aroid Indoor Mix for best results!

Toxicity – these plants are much happier when admired from a distance, and not chomped on as they are toxic to both children and small fur babies. 

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Bethany B.
Thai Constellation

I love it. I've been wanting one for a couple years but wanted to see how I did with a deliciosa first to make sure I could handle it. So happy to have this guy in my collection and can't wait to see it grow!


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