Pothos 'Global Green'

Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum 'Global Green'

Common Name: Global Green Pothos, Devil's Ivy, Hunter's Robe, Ivy Arum

Plant Origin: Southeast Asia

Description of the Foliage: The Global Green Pothos is a classic and versatile houseplant known for its lush, heart-shaped leaves. Its deep green foliage has a glossy finish and a consistent, rich color. The leaves trail gracefully, making it an ideal choice for hanging baskets or as a trailing plant in pots. This Pothos variety is celebrated for its timeless and adaptable beauty.  Pothos is a popular trailing houseplant that belongs to the Araceae family and is native to Southeast Asia. This Pothos shows off dark green leaves irregularly variegated with lighter green centers. It can grow up to 20 feet long in the wild but typically reaches 6 to 10 feet in indoor settings. The plant is easy to care for and can tolerate low light, but it prefers bright, indirect light. Pothos is a fast-growing plant that can be propagated easily from stem cuttings. It also has air-purifying qualities, making it a great addition to any home or office. In addition to its common names, it is also known as the "cubicle plant" as it is a popular choice for office spaces.

Why Choose This Product for Your Home or Office:

  • Timeless Elegance: The Global Green Pothos offers timeless beauty that effortlessly complements various interior decor styles. It's a reliable choice for adding greenery to your surroundings.

  • Low Maintenance: This plant is exceptionally easy to care for, making it perfect for beginners and those with busy schedules. It's forgiving and can thrive in various conditions.

  • Air Purification: Like all Pothos varieties, the Global Green Pothos excels at purifying the air by removing toxins, enhancing indoor air quality, and creating a healthier living or working environment.

Plant Care Guide:

  1. Light Requirements: Place your Global Green Pothos in moderate to low indirect light. It can tolerate lower light conditions but may grow more slowly. Avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves.

  2. Watering: Allow the top inch or two of the soil to dry out between waterings. Water thoroughly but ensure proper drainage to prevent overwatering and root rot. Water less frequently during the dormant winter months.

  3. Temperature and Humidity: Maintain a temperature range between 60-80°F (15-27°C). This plant is adaptable to average indoor humidity levels, making it suitable for most indoor environments.

  4. Soil and Fertilization: Use a well-draining potting mix. Fertilize every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced liquid fertilizer to encourage healthy growth.

  5. Pruning and Maintenance: Trim leggy vines and remove any yellowing or damaged leaves to promote a fuller and more attractive appearance. You can also propagate cuttings to create new plants.

  6. Toxicity: The Global Green Pothos is toxic if ingested, so keep it out of reach of children and pets.

  7. Pests: While relatively resistant to pests, occasional spider mites or mealybugs may appear. If needed, our Damn Bug! Organic Pesticide is a safe and effective solution, available here.

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