The Vriesea Splenriet, also known as the Flaming Sword, is a show-stopping bromeliad with uniquely patterned leaves and a vivid red bloom. This tropical beauty brings a splash of color and elegance to any space, making it an excellent choice for both home and office décor. Its adaptability to medium to low light and warm, humid environments ensures that it thrives with minimal effort.
Key Features:
Striking Red Bloom: Features a bold red flower that adds a pop of color to any indoor setting.
Patterned Foliage: Unique, patterned leaves radiate from the plant’s center, enhancing its visual appeal.
Low Maintenance: Easy to care for, ideal for both beginners and seasoned plant enthusiasts.
Versatile Display: Perfect for tabletops, desks, or as a centerpiece in any room.
Pet-Friendly: Non-toxic to pets, making it a safe choice for animal-friendly homes.
Care Guide for Vriesea Splenriet Flaming Sword:
Light: Prefers medium to low indirect light; avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
Water: Fill the plant’s central cup with distilled or filtered water, refreshing weekly. Lightly water the soil when it feels dry to the touch.
Soil: Use a well-draining bromeliad or orchid potting mix.
Humidity: Thrives in warm, humid environments; mist occasionally or place near a humidifier.
Temperature: Maintain temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C). Avoid cold drafts or frost.
Fertilizer: Feed monthly with a diluted bromeliad fertilizer during the growing season.
Propagation: After flowering, remove offsets (pups) from the base and replant to propagate.
Why Choose Vriesea Splenriet Flaming Sword? The Vriesea Splenriet Flaming Sword combines striking red blooms with patterned foliage to create a captivating tropical display. Its low-maintenance care makes it perfect for busy individuals or anyone looking to enhance their space with a touch of natural beauty. Add the Flaming Sword to your collection today and enjoy its vibrant charm year-round!